Post Slider
This slider takes advantage of the display function setup by the Theme Blvd Sliders plugin, except for it allows you to dynamically generate the slider based on a series of posts. The idea here is to mimic what you could theoretically setup with the plugin’s Slider Manager and a custom slider, but still give you that nice automation feature.
[post_slider tag=”photo”]
[post_slider tag="featured"]
[post_slider category="portfolio"]
Argument | Default | Description |
fx | slide | Transition of slider – fade, slide. |
timeout | 3 | Seconds in between transitions, 0 for no auto-advancing. |
nav_standard | true | Show standard nav dots to control slider – true or false. |
nav_arrows | true | Show directional arrows to control slider – true or false. |
pause_play | true | Show pause/play button – true or false. |
pause_on_hover | disable | Whether to pause on mouse hover – pause_on, pause_on_off, disable. |
image | full | How to display featured images – full, align-right, align-left. |
image_size | slider-large | Crop size for featured image used as each slide.. |
image_link | permalink | How each image of the slider links – permalink, lightbox, none. |
button | None | Text for button to lead to permalink – leave empty to hide. |
tag | None | Tag to pull posts from. |
category | None | Category slug to pull posts from. |
portfolio | None | Portfolio slug to pull posts from, requires Portfolios plugin. |
portfolio_tag | None | Portfolio tag to pull posts from, requires Portfolios plugin. |
numberposts | 5 | Number of posts/slides. |
orderby | date | Orderby param for posts query – date, title, comment_count, rand, etc. |
order | DESC | Order paramater for posts query – DESC, ASC. |
query | None | Custom query string for advanced users. Ex: foo=bar&foo2=bar2 |
mobile_fallback | full_list | How to display on mobile – full_list, first_slide, display. |
Post List Slider
[post_list_slider post_content=”excerpt” posts_per_slide=”1″ tag=”photo”][post_list_slider posts_per_slide="1" post_content="excerpt"]
Argument | Default | Description |
fx | slide | Transition of slider – fade, slide. |
timeout | 0 | Seconds in between transitions, 0 for no auto-advancing. |
nav_standard | true | Show standard nav dots to control slider – true or false. |
nav_arrows | true | Show directional arrows to control slider – true or false. |
pause_play | true | Show pause/play button – true or false. |
cat | None | Category ID(s) to include/exclude. |
category_name | None | Category slug(s) to include/exclude. |
tag | None | Tag(s) to include/exclude. |
portfolio | None | Portfolio slug(s) to include, requires Portfolios plugin. |
portfolio_tag | None | Portfolio tag(s) to requires Portfolios plugin. |
thumbs | default | Size of post thumbnails – default, small, full, hide. |
post_content | default | Show excerpts or full content – default, content, excerpt. |
posts_per_slide | 3 | Number of posts per slide. |
numberposts | -1 | Total number of posts, -1 for all posts. |
orderby | date | What to order the posts by – date, title, comment_count, rand. |
order | DESC | How to order the posts – ASC, DESC. |
offset | 0 | Number of posts to offset off the start, defaults to 0. |
query | None | Custom query string for advanced users. Ex: foo=bar&foo2=bar2 |
Post Grid Slider
[post_grid_slider category_name="portfolio" rows="1"][post_grid_slider category_name="portfolio" rows="1"]
Argument | Default | Description |
fx | slide | Transition of slider - fade, slide. |
timeout | 0 | Seconds in between transitions, 0 for no auto-advancing. |
nav_standard | true | Show standard nav dots to control slider - true or false. |
nav_arrows | true | Show directional arrows to control slider - true or false. |
pause_play | true | Show pause/play button - true or false. |
cat | None | Category ID(s) to include/exclude. |
category_name | None | Category slug(s) to include/exclude. |
tag | None | Tag(s) to include/exclude. |
portfolio | None | Portfolio slug(s) to include, requires Portfolios plugin. |
portfolio_tag | None | Portfolio tag(s) to requires Portfolios plugin. |
columns | 3 | Number of posts per row |
rows | 3 | Number of rows per slide. |
orderby | date | What to order the posts by - date, title, comment_count, rand. |
order | DESC | How to order the posts - ASC, DESC. |
offset | 0 | Number of posts to offset off the start, defaults to 0. |
query | None | Custom query string for advanced users. Ex: foo=bar&foo2=bar2 |
crop | None | You can manually enter a featured image crop size, if you want. |